
Just me.

Friday, February 17, 2006

What the future may hold...

Nano-machines. Anyone whom has read "Prey" by Michael Chrichton knows what nano-machines are, but do people really understand what they can do for all of mankind if that science is nurtured properly? There are two different schools of nano-machines. The first is biological, which is when you take a few different small organisms like viruses or bacterium and change them to do a specific task. The other is mechanical nanomachines, where they are made from man-made materials and have small computer chips that are programmed for specific tasks. Just think about taking medicine and it goes right to the part of your body that needs it! Or just shooting up some "machines" and they start patroling your body in search of cancer cells, ready to destroy! Some companies are focusing on using nano machines to integrate with our bodies to help us do things like lift very heavy objects or see at night and all kind of crap, so if you are lost in what field you want to go into, this will be the wave of the future!check it out!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Ford Super Chief was pretty tight. Posted by Picasa

The new "Eleanor" Ford Mustang Shelby Cobra GT 500!!! Bad Ass!!! Posted by Picasa

Check out the paned glass sunroof on that baby (the Super Chief) Posted by Picasa

OOOHHH look at the big stars, Juwan Howard and Dikembe Motumbo! Erica got to have a loooooooong conversation with Dikembe, it went, "exscuse me." Kewl huh?! Posted by Picasa

The CREAM of the CROP! I called it, the Aston Martin Rapide will be the next Bond car....take my word! Posted by Picasa

The Mini Cooper..... Posted by Picasa

.....The Snowboard Version! Posted by Picasa

The Ford Posted by Picasa

The Chrysler Imperial... pretty damn sweet with those suicide rear doors. Posted by Picasa

The concept Dodge Challenger... Posted by Picasa

The concept camaro that stole the show! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Chad & Erica kickin it in Vegas Baby! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 12, 2006

What a dish ; D Posted by Picasa

Welcome to the realm of ChiZaD Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 02, 2006

First Post

Well, the first post and here are the rules,

Well, now that we got that out of the way, blog on ; p